Archive for 5 ianuarie 2008


Jojo Mayer – un maestru în jazz/fusion/drum’n bass

ianuarie 5, 2008

Stimaţi cetăţeni, de azi înainte voi prezenta zilnic câte un percuţionist de marcă de pe scena internaţională. Sper să nu discriminez pe nimeni. However, zilele nu au intrat în sac. Fără prea multe vorbe>> enjoy!


Jojo Mayer

Born January 18. 1963 in Zurich, Switzerland. Son of a musician (bass player Vali Mayer), he spent his early childhood on the road traveling throughout Europe and the Far East. At the age of 2 he got his first drum set, and his first public performance took place in Hong Kong when he was only 3 years old. Growing up in the influence of a musical environment Jojo is basically self-taught (autodidact) Read the rest of this entry ?